Branding & Webflow for a spatial computing startup

We've been with Afference since day 1 building their brand, website, and all of their content. Within their first two years, they raised 150% of their pre-seed round target in only 5 weeks and won the 2024 CES Best of Innovation Award.

Spatial Computing
Brand - Messaging
Brand - Visual Identity
Design Support
Pitch Deck
Webflow Development
Webflow Management
Website Design
Watch Video

Basil Design Company has been our partner since day 1. Their advice on decisions spanning graphic design, brand development, and web design have propelled our progress as a company at large.



CEO & Co-Founder



We Specialize In


We build brands that authentically represent teams. Brands that represent who you are, what you strive to achieve, and that move the right people.

  • Brand Visual Identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Guidelines & Systems
  • Logo Design

Webflow Websites

Our team of Webflow experts takes your site from start to finish and builds it so that it is easy to update as your company grows.

  • Website Redesigns
  • Webflow Site Management & Updates
  • Webflow Programatic SEO Systems
  • Figma to Webflow Builds

Design Support

Need help on an ongoing basis? Get an on-call, expert designer and/or Webflow developer for all of your brand and Webflow needs.

  • Webflow Design & Development
  • Webflow Management
  • Brand Content Design Support
  • Investor Decks & More